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Built by:Green, Wigram's & Green, at Blackwall.
Yard No.238
Launched:18th March 1839
Tonnage:852 10/94
Depth:10' 9"
Built of:
Off. Number:
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History:23rd May 1839. Arrived at Deal from the River, Commander Martin.
28th May 1839. Sailed from Portsmouth for Madras.
31st August 1839. Arrived at Madras, Commander Toller.
21st June 1841. Sold by Fredrick Green to George Green for the sum of 10/- (50p).
20th June 1844. Due to sail from Gravesend, Commander E. Voss, for Madras and Calcutta.
10th August 1846. Due to sail from Gravesend, Captain D. Robertson, for Bombay.
12th May 1854. Lying in the East India Docks from Bombay and Coast.
13th June 1863. Sailed from Plymouth for New Zealand. Captain Norris.
11th July 1863. During a heavy squall, several sails were carried away and a boatswain was washed overboard. He was never seen again, and it was supposed the ship passed over him.
19th September 1863. Arrived at Auckland with 250 passengers, all in good health. Two other deaths occurred on the trip out, a first class passenger from typhoid, and an infant.

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